News In Brief


Russian police detain 94 at Moscow  
journalist protest
Reuters, Moscow
Russian police detained at least 94 people on Wednesday, including opposition politician Alexei Navalny, at a protest in Moscow calling for punishment for police officers involved in the alleged framing of a journalist, monitors said.
Police abruptly dropped drugs charges a day earlier against journalist Ivan Golunov, a rare U-turn by the authorities in the face of anger from his supporters who said he was framed for his reporting.

Britain sets deadline for carbon neutrality by 2050
AFP, London
 The British government on Wednesday presented draft legislation to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050 in what it said would be a first for a major economy.
The new target was broadly welcomed across the political spectrum but environmental groups said it would require radical action to decarbonise the entire economy.

Houthi missile attack on Saudi airport wounds 26
Reuters, Dubai
The Saudi-led military coalition said it would make a firm response to a missile attack by Yemeni Houthi forces on a civilian airport in southern Saudi Arabia on Wednesday which wounded 26 people.
The Western-backed, Sunni Muslim alliance that has been battling the Iran-aligned Houthi movement in Yemen said the early morning attack proved Tehran’s support for what it called cross-border terrorism.
Journalist gunned down in Mexico
AFP, Villahermosa
A journalist was murdered Tuesday in southeast Mexico, her former employer and other news outlets reported.
Norma Sarabia was a correspondent for the newspaper Tabasco Today for 15 years and most recently worked for other local media outlets, the newspaper said in its report of her death.
Yemen rebel attack wounds 26 at Saudi airport
AFP, Riyadh
A Yemeni rebel missile attack on an airport in southwestern Saudi Arabia wounded 26 civilians on Wednesday, the Saudi-led coalition fighting the rebels said..
Eight of those wounded at Abha airport were admitted to hospital, coalition spokesman Turki al-Malki said in a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency. The other 18 were discharged after receiving first aid.
