News In Brief


Pentagon assigns another $1.5 b for border wall
AFP, Washington
The Pentagon said Friday it was diverting another $1.5 billion for new barriers to stop illegal immigrants on the US-Mexico border, following the authorization of $1 billion in March.
Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan has agreed to take charge of the replacement of 78 miles (125 kilometers) of fencing on the southern frontier in Arizona and Texas, the defense department said in a statement.

Thousands protest in Rio against education budget cuts
AP, Rio De Janeiro
A few thousand people gathered in the center of Rio de Janeiro Friday to protest against stiff budget cuts imposed by the administration of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro to Brazil’s public education sector.
Small protests have multiplied in recent days after the Education Ministry announced large budget cuts impacting all sectors of education from early childhood to post-graduate students.

HK legislators brawl over contentious extradition law
Reuters, Hong Kong
Scuffles broke out in Hong Kong’s legislature on Saturday between pro-democracy lawmakers and those loyal to Beijing over an extradition law that will extend Beijing’s powers over the financial hub.One person was taken to hospital.
The former British colony is trying to enact rules that would allow people accused of a crime, including foreigners, to be extradited from the city to countries without formal extradition agreements, including mainland China.

Malta rescues 85 migrants from sinking boat
Reuters, Valletta
A Maltese patrol boat rescued a group of 85 migrants late on Friday night and will bring them to Malta on Saturday morning, the Armed Forces said.
Malta has spearheaded EU efforts to share migrants rescued in the central Mediterranean among several member states after rescue ships were refused entry by Italy.


Rebels set to begin pullout from Yemen aid port
AFP, Sanaa
Yemeni rebels said they were set to begin a unilateral withdrawal from the lifeline port of Hodeida on Saturday in a bid to kickstart implementation of a December truce brokered by the UN. Hodeida is the main entry point for the bulk of Yemen’s imports and humanitarian aid, providing a lifeline to millions of civilians who have been pushed to the brink of famine by more than four years of devastating conflict.

Battle for Libya’s Tripoli gives chance to IS
AFP, Tripoli
The battle for Tripoli between rival Libyan forces both championing the fight against “terrorism” has created a security vacuum, allowing the Islamic State group a chance to re-emerge, analysts warn.
Libya expert Emad Badi says the fighting has given IS “the opportunity to reorganise, recruit and strike alliances with other groups (and organise attacks) to show they are still around”.
