News in brief


Damascus accuses Kurd-led alliance of ‘treason’
AFP, Damascus
The Syrian government has accused Kurdish leaders of “treason” for organising a conference with allied Arab tribes to plot out the political future of territory under their alliance’s control.
The Kurds and their Arab allies control a vast swathe of the north and northeast that makes up around a third of Syrian territory, much of which they captured in the long and costly campaign against the Islamic State group.

Six civilians killed in Yemen bombing
Reuters, Aden
At least six civilians, including children, were killed in Yemen on Friday when a roadside bomb believed to be planted by al Qaeda went off in the country’s southeast, a Yemeni security official said.
At least six others were wounded in the blast, the second attack in less than a week in al-Qatn village in the vast Hadramaut region

Palestinian killed in Israeli air strike
Reuters, Jerusalem
Gaza militants fired dozens of rockets into Israel on Saturday and an Israeli air strike killed one Palestinian as hostilities flared across the border for a second day.
Israel hit the enclave with air strikes and tank fire after Palestinian militants fired more than 90 rockets toward Israeli cities and villages, the military said. The Gaza Health Ministry said the dead Palestinian man was 22 years old. It was not immediately clear if he was a militant or a civilian.


7 Afghan cops killed in Taliban attack
AP, Kabul
An Afghan official says at least seven Afghan policemen were killed overnight when the Taliban stormed security checkpoints in western Badghis province. Mohammad Naser Nazari, a provincial councilman, said Saturday that three other security forces were wounded during the attack in Qadis district.
The Taliban did not comment on the attack. The Afghan defense ministry said Saturday.

US okays $6b in weapon sales to Gulf allies
Reuters, Washington
The U.S. State Department has approved a possible $6 billion worth of weapons sales to Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates in three separate packages, the Pentagon said on Friday after notifying Congress of the certification.
The United States depends on allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia, to counter Iranian influence.

Rouhani urges unity in face of US ‘war on hope’
AFP, Tehran
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday called for the country to “resist and unite” against US pressure in what he called a “war on hope” waged against the Islamic republic.
It is almost a year since President Donald Trump reimposed crippling US sanctions after exiting a landmark nuclear agreement between major powers and Iran.
