News In Brief

View exchange meet on terrorism, early marriage held

Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent

 A view exchange meeting was held on education development, terrorism, militancy, drug abuses, early marriage at GafargaonUpazila in Mymensingh recently. UNO Mahbub ur Rahman presided over this meeting. Mymensingh Divisional Commissioner Hasan Mahmud was the Chief Guest in this function. Mymensingh Police Super (Adm.) Humayun Kabir, Gafargaon Upazila Chairman Asraf Uddin Badal, District Primary Education Officer-Mufazzal Hussain, Abdul Ahad Khan OC of Gafargaon Thana delivered their speeches in this meeting as special guests. Senior Fisheries Officer Zahirul Islam Akanda conducted the meeting. Officials of Gafargaon Upazila, public representatives, teachers and students of educational institutions were present in this meeting. After view exchange meeting a cultural function was held.


Open House Day observed in Khulna

Khulna (South) Correspondent

“Open House Day” was observed at Daulatpur Police Station premises under Khulna Metropolitan Police (KMP) in the city on Tuesday . Kazi Mostak Ahmed, PPM, OC of Daulatpur Police Station presided over the meeting. Molla Jahangir Hossain, PPM, Deputy Police Commissioner (DC, North) of KMP was present and delivered speeches as Chief Guest while freedom fighter and Khulna City Awami League leader Nur Islam Bondo, Alhaj Maksud Alam Khaja, President of Daulatpur Thana Policing Committee SM Nurul Haque Nuru and General of Secretary Sheikh Wahidul Islam were present as special guests in the function. Presidents and General Secretaries of Policing Committee and Women Policing Committee of all Wards, elite persons, local people and different persons of different professions were also present in the meeting. Speakers at the meeting discussed about the anti drug drives. Bangladesh Police is always ready to do welfare of the common peaceful persons of the country, he added. Among others who were present and delivered speeches are – 1 No. Ward Councilor Sheikh Abdur Razzak, 3 No. Ward Councilor Alhaj Master Abdus Salam, 5 No. Ward Councilor Sheikh Mohammad Ali, 6 No. Ward Councilor Sheikh Shamsuddin Ahmed Prince, Zinnatun Nesa, Bijoya, Khulna City unit Sramik League leader Md. Mizanur Rahman Milton , Asutosh Sadhu, Former Councilor Maksud Hasan Piku and SM Wazed Ali Mojnu.
