News In Brief

Strikes blamed on Israel killed 9 pro-regime fighters in Syria
AFP, Beirut
At least nine pro-regime fighters died in an overnight strike in northern Syria blamed on Israel, a monitor said Monday.
Syrian state media had accused Israel of bombing a military position in Aleppo province late Sunday, in what would be a rare Israeli attack so far north in the war-ravaged country. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor, said that those killed included at least six Syrians and that Iranian fighters were also stationed at the base.

EU immigration to Britain falls to five-year low
Reuters, London
The number of European Union immigrants to Britain fell to a five-year low last year, as fewer people came without a firm job offer during the first full calendar year since June 2016’s Brexit vote, official data showed on Monday.
Overall net immigration of people of all nationalities to Britain rose to 282,000 in 2017 from 249,000 in 2016, though this is well below the multi-year high of 332,000 recorded in 2015, Britain’s Office for National Statistics said.

Eritrea re-opens embassy in Ethiopia
AFP, Addis Ababa
Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki reopened his country’s embassy in Ethiopia on Monday, more than 20 years after the two countries broke off relations when they went to war.
The embassy inauguration caps Isaias’s historic visit to the Ethiopian capital aimed at cementing peace less than a week after Ethiopia and Eritrea declared an end to two decades of conflict.

Croatia’s president is against attempts to isolate Russia
Tass, New York
Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic favors support for dialogue with Russia, she told the Associated Press agency in an interview.
Grabar-Kitarovic favored cooperation with Moscow and opposed attempts to isolate it. “We want to have a dialogue about common threats to our security,” she said. “We have to work together.”
