News in brief


US sanctions aim to turn Iranians against govt: Khamenei
Reuters, Dubai
U.S. economic pressure on Iran is intended to turn Iranians against their government, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was quoted as saying on Saturday by his website, as Iran faces a likely reimposition of U.S. sanctions. “They bring to bear economic pressure to separate the nation from the system … but six U.S. presidents before him tried this and had to give up,” Khamenei was quoted as saying by, referring to U.S. President Donald Trump.

Russia may leave chemical weapons watchdog
AP, Moscow
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned that Russia could walk away from the global chemical weapons watchdog after member nations voted to allow the group to assign blame for chemical attacks.
In an interview with Britain’s Channel 4 News, Lavrov denounced a vote this week empowering the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to assign responsibility for chemical weapon use. Russia and 23 other countries voted against the move initiated by Britain.

Israeli forces kill two Palestinians
Reuters, Gaza
Israeli forces shot and killed two Palestinians, one of them a 14-year-old boy, and wounded 415 others with live fire and tear gas during protests along the Gaza border on Friday, Gaza health officials said.
Gaza medical officials said the boy, Yasser Abu Al-Naja and Mohammad Al-Hamayda, 24, were hit by live bullets. They added that four other men wounded by live fire were in critical condition.


Airstrikes kill 12 Taliban militants
Xinhua, Afghanistan
At least 12 Taliban militants were killed and 16 others injured during airstrikes conducted by Afghan air force in the western Badghis province of Afghanistan late Friday, police said Saturday.
“Army helicopters targeted Taliban’s gathering in Jawand district of western Badghis province late Friday night, killing at least 12 insurgents and injuring 16 others,” Naqibullah Amini, spokesperson for Badghis police told Xinhua.

Flood alert in Indian Kashmir
Xinhua, Srinagar
Incessant rains for the past two days in Indian-controlled Kashmir have pushed water level up in the rivers and streams, and authorities have declared floods in several parts, officials said Saturday.
“The water level in Jhelum river crosses danger mark following heavy rain in the region over the past few days,” a government spokesman said, adding that authorities have declared flood in central and southern parts of the region.
The local government has ordered closure of all educational institutions in the region in the wake of rains and flood.
