News In Brief


Russia opens commission into “nuclear incident” report
AFP, Moscow
A Russian scientific commission will investigate reports of radioactive pollution almost 1,000 times above normal levels in the southern Urals, state nuclear company Rosatom said Friday.
The move comes despite Russia’s denial that a nuclear accident had occurred at any of its nuclear facilities.

EU blames Russia for death of 5 in Ukraine
AP, Brussels
The European Union on Friday blamed Russia for the deaths of at least five troops in eastern Ukraine in what appears to be the worst outburst of violence in months.
“The death of five Ukrainian servicemen yesterday is the just the latest proof of the tragic consequences of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine,” said EU Council President Donald Tusk after a summit with six eastern European nations, including Ukraine.

IS retreating deep into Iraq desert
AFP, Baghdad
Iraqi forces said on Friday that Islamic State group fighters are withdrawing deep into the desert to escape an offensive now in its second day aimed at finally defeating them.
The jihadists have already been driven out of all of the towns they once held but Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has said he will not proclaim victory until they have been cleared from the western desert bordering Syria.


Castro meets N Korea minister
Reuters, Havana
Cuban President Raul Castro met with North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho on Friday amid hopes the Communist-run island might be able to convince its Asian ally to avert a showdown with the United States.
North Korea is facing unprecedented pressure from the United States and the international community to cease its nuclear weapons and missile programs.

Syria peace talks on Nov 28
Reuters, Riyadh
The next round of U.N.-backed peace talks in Geneva aimed at ending the Syrian civil war will begin on Nov. 28, the newly appointed head of the main opposition negotiating team said early on Saturday morning. Nasr Hariri told a news conference in Riyadh that the opposition was going to Geneva to hold direct talks and was ready to discuss “everything on the negotiating table”.

Palestinian office in US to remain open
AFP, Washington
The Palestine Liberation Organization office in Washington can remain open to discuss peace with Israel and may be able to resume full operations soon, the State Department said Friday. The comment came one week after US officials said the diplomatic mission would have to close because of a law stipulating that Palestinian leaders must not call for Israelis to face international prosecution.
