News In Brief

Punishment to attackers on Hindu Community demanded
Jessore Correspondent
Dalit community formed a human chain in front of Jessore Press Club on Monday morning protesting at the attack on Hindu community people in Rangpur. Samuel Das, Rabindranath Biswas, Rabin Das, Labanya Bhaumik and Rita Dutta spoke at a rally during the human chain. The speakers demanded exemplary punishments to those responsible for the attack.
Police seized 4 cubs of ‘tigers’ in Jessore
Police of Chansra camp under Kotwali police station seized four cubs of tiger by raiding a vehicle at Chansra intersection on the outskirts of Jessore town on Monday morning. The arrested are Rana Mia, 27 of Narsingdi and Manjurul Alam, 30 of Bagura. Syed Bayejid Hossain, in-charge, Chansra police camp told that tipped off the police of the camp recovered the cubs challenging a Prado vehicle at around 10:10 am on Monday. The cubs were kept at the police line. The OC said the cubs that were taken from India were kept at the police line.
Law, order body meeting held
Saidpur (Nilphamari) Correspondent
A meeting between Upazila Law and Order Committee with Upazila Terrorism and Sabotage Prevention Committee was held on Monday at Upazila Parishad Conference Hall. Upazila Executive Officer (UNO) Bazlur Rashid presided over the meeting. Saidpur Upazila Chairman Moksedul Momin was present as the Chief Guest at the meeting. Vice Chairman of Upazila Parishad Ajmal Hossain, Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam were also present in the meeting. Officer-In-Charge (investigation) of Saidpur Police Station Tajuddin, Principal of Saidpur College Sakhawat Hossain Khokon, Muktijoddha Commander Ekramul Haque, President of Saidpur Banik Samity Idris Ali, Saidpur Press Club President Aminul Haque and others were present there.
JSC examinee killed in Natore road crash
NATORE: A Junior School Certificate (JSC) examinee was killed in a road accident in Singra upazila on Sunday.The deceased was identified as Shaon, a student of Hamir Ghosh High School. Witnesses and family members said the accident occurred when the rickshaw van carrying Shaon along with three others overturned and plunged into a canal due to the pothole-riddled road. Later, Shaon and others were taken to upazila health complex where duty doctor declared him dead, reports UNB.
21 held in Habiganj
HABIGANJ: Police, in regular drives from Friday night to recently arrested 21 persons including 16 warranted accused, from different areas of the district. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Nazim Uddin said they were picked up on different charges. Several cases, including charges of subversive activities, are pending with different police stations against the arrested persons, he said. The arrested were sent to jail, reports BSS.