News In Brief

French, German leaders want joint future 100 years after WWI
AP, Paris
The presidents of France and Germany say Europeans must stand up to nationalism and build a “common future,” as they mark 99 years since the armistice ending World War I.
French President Emmanuel Macron said Friday it’s “necessary and urgent” to reinforce the European Union over the coming year to stop “skepticism and rejection” from spreading.

Two years on, Paris attacks suspect keeps his silence
AFP, Paris
Two years after the deadliest terror attacks in modern French history, the only surviving suspect to take part in the carnage in Paris remains an enigma.
Captured after four months on the run following a massive international manhunt, Salah Abdeslam is now France’s most closely guarded detainee.
But the 28-year-old petty criminal-turned-jihadist has not been the goldmine of information investigators have hoped for: he refuses to talk.


Ruling govt set to dominate
E.Guinea polls
AFP, Malabo
Equatorial Guinea will vote in parliamentary elections on Sunday where the opposition, facing many hurdles but buoyed by rallies, is hoping for a breakthrough at the expense of the ruling party.
The election is widely expected to be dominated by the party of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Africa’s longest-serving leader, who has ruled the tiny oil-rich nation for 37 years.
His Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea (PDGE) controls 99 percent of the seats in parliament, over which it has held sway since single-party rule was scrapped in 1991.

Vietnam typhoon toll rises to 106
Xinhua, Hanoi
Typhoon Damrey has claimed 106 lives, left 25 people missing and injured 197 others in Vietnam’s central and central highlands regions, the country’s Central Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control said on Friday morning.
Damrey also destroyed over 2,000 houses, damaged nearly 120,000 others, sank 1,231 cargo and fishing ships and boats, and killed more than 43,300 fowls and cattle.

Turkey detains 100 IS suspects
Reuters, Istanbul
Turkish police detained 100 people in three separate operations on Friday over suspected links to Islamic State, state-run Anadolu news agency said. It said police arrested 82 foreign nationals in an operation centered on Istanbul. Eleven more foreign nationals were arrested in the southern province of Adana and seven Turkish nationals were arrested in the western province of Izmir.
Weapons and documents were also seized, Anadolu said.
