News In Brief

Iran tests new missile defying US warnings
AFP, Tehran
Iran said on Saturday that it had successfully tested a new medium-range missile in defiance of warnings from Washington that it was ready to ditch a landmark nuclear deal over the issue.
State television carried footage of the launch of the Khoramshahr missile, which was first displayed at a high-profile military parade in Tehran on Friday.
It also carried in-flight video from the nose cone.

New Zealand’s
ruling party
leading in election
AP, New Zealand
Vote counts on Saturday night in New Zealand’s general election showed Prime Minister Bill English’s National Party ahead but not by enough to form a government without help from other parties.
That means New Zealanders may need to wait for days or even weeks to confirm whether English will retain the top job as the different political parties try to negotiate with each other to form a coalition.

Britain hopes for Brexit progress
AP, London
Britain and the EU are preparing to head back to the Brexit negotiating table after a speech by Prime Minister Theresa May that received a cautious welcome from the bloc’s leaders. May offered Friday to keep paying the EU and following its rules during a two-year transition period after the U.K. formally leaves in March 2019.
French President Emmanuel Macron praised the tone of May’s speech. But he says clarity still is needed on three big issues: the rights of European citizens, the amount Britain must pay to settle its obligations to the EU, and the status of the Irish border.

Spain saves 64 migrants from 2 boats
AP, Madrid
Spain’s maritime rescue service says it has saved 64 migrants from two small boats trying to make a perilous sea crossing from Africa to Europe.
The rescue service says one of its boats intercepted 28 migrants on Friday near Alboran Island, which lies in the western Mediterranean Sea east of the Strait of Gibraltar. The service has an outpost on the small island.
