News In Brief

Kushner leading US delegation to ME

AP, Washington

 White House adviser Jared Kushner is leading a delegation to the Middle East on behalf of President Donald Trump to discuss the possibility of resuming the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. A White House official said Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, left Sunday along with Jason Greenblatt, envoy for international negotiations, and Dina Powell, deputy national security adviser. They were in the Persian Gulf on Tuesday and expected to be in Israel on Wednesday, the official said. They were planning to meet separately with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday.

Saudi crown prince discusses ME peace with US officials

Reuters, Dubai

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince met senior U.S. officials including presidential adviser Jared Kushner in Jeddah on Tuesday and discussed efforts to bring about peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, Saudi state news agency SPA said. Mohammed bin Salman also discussed ways to combat terrorist financing with Kushner, U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, as well as U.S. negotiator Jason Greenblatt and deputy national security adviser Dina Powell, SPA said.


Taliban suicide car bombing kills 7 Afghans

AP, Kabul

A Taliban suicide car bomber targeted a military convoy in Afghanistan’s southern Helmand province on Wednesday, killing at least seven people, a provincial official said. The attack comes just days after President Donald Trump announced his new strategy for Afghanistan, which involves maintaining a U.S. military presence in the country and upending a campaign vow to end America’s longest war.

Nigeria cancels first cabinet meeting

Reuters, Lagos

The first meeting of Nigeria’s cabinet since the return of President Muhammadu Buhari from three months of medical leave in Britain has been canceled, his spokesman said on Wednesday without explaining why. Buhari returned to Nigeria on Saturday after traveling to Britain on May 7 for an unspecified illness, and had written lawmakers on Monday to confirm he had returned and was resuming his duties.
