News In Brief

Trump at Camp David for Afghanistan talks
AFP, Washington
US President Donald Trump will meet Friday with his national security team at Camp David, as he mulls whether or not to send more American troops to war-ravaged Afghanistan.
The administration is split over what stance to adopt on the longest-running war in US history.

Hamas militant killed by suicide bomber in Gaza
AP, Gaza City
The Hamas militant group ruling Gaza says one of its fighters was killed by a suicide bomber on Thursday while trying to stop the attacker from crossing into Egypt. It marked the first time that Hamas, which has carried out scores of suicide attacks over the years targeting Israelis, was itself struck in such an assault. The Hamas-run Interior Ministry said five other Hamas security forces and an accomplice to the bomber were wounded.

China warns US against ‘trade war’
AP, Beijing
China’s government on Thursday warned “there is no winner in a trade war” after an aide to President Donald Trump called in published comments for a tougher stance toward Beijing. A foreign ministry spokeswoman, Hua Chunying, appealed for dialogue to preserve stable relations when asked about the comments by Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon.

Israeli intel chief in Jordan to heal rift
AP, Jerusalem
Israeli media reports the country’s Shin Bet intelligence chief met with security officials in Jordan in an attempt to defuse a crisis over a Jerusalem shrine and an Israeli embassy guard who killed two Jordanians after being attacked by one of them.
Media reported Nadav Argaman was in Amman Monday to try and negotiate a deal to end the diplomatic standoff with Jordan that also administers the holy site via its religious body..
