News In Brief

16 Afghan police killed in US strike
AFP, Kandahar (Afghanistan)
 A US airstrike killed 16 Afghan police and wounded two others in Helmand province, officials said Saturday.
The incident took place Friday 5 pm as Afghan security forces were clearing a village of Taliban elements, Salam Afghan, Helmand police spokesman, told AFP.
“In the strike, 16 Afghan policemen were killed including two commanders. Two other policemen were wounded,” he said.

Australian man dies in faulty air bag crash
Reuters, Sydney
 An Australian man who died in a Sydney car crash may be the 18th death linked to faulty Takata air bags, after police said he was killed when hit in the neck by shrapnel from an air bag.
Police did not say the air bag in the Honda CRV was from manufacturer Takata, whose faulty air bags have been linked to 17 deaths and more than 180 injuries worldwide.


Turkey reissues warrant for 4 activists after release
AP, Istanbul
Turkey’s official news agency says a court has reissued detention warrants for four human rights activists who were released earlier this week.
Anadolu news agency said the court on Friday accepted an objection filed by the Istanbul prosecutor’s office to the activists’ release. The four activists were initially released Tuesday after surrendering their passports and they were required to regularly present themselves at a police station.

Indonesian President orders officer to shoot drug traffickers
Reuters, Jakarta
Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo has instructed law enforcement officers to shoot drug traffickers to deal with a narcotics emergency facing the country.
“Be firm, especially to foreign drug dealers who enter the country and resist arrest. Shoot them because we indeed are in a narcotics emergency position now,” Widodo said in a speech delivered at an event held by one of Indonesia’s political parties late on Friday.
His remarks have drawn comparison to that of Philippine’s President Rodrigo Duterte, who launched a brutal anti-drug crackdown about a year ago that saw many alleged drug dealers killed.
