News In Brief

Dwelling house gutted in Mongla
 Bagerhat Correspondent
Two houses belonging to Delwar Hawladar, a day labourer of village Mithakhali Purboapara under Mongla Upazila in Bagerhat district and his son Saheb Hawladar, a mason were completely gutted when they caught fire from an electricity short circuit on Friday in the evening, according to a report received here. It is learnt from the locals that in the evening when the fire originated from electricity short circuit at the time of charging a light spread to the dwelling house and its adjacent kitchen and went out of control within minutes. Being informed of the matter a fire brigade unit rushed to the spot from Mongla New bus stand area and tried to extinguish the fire. But in spite of that both the dwelling house and kitchen with their all belongings were completely burnt to ashes. The loss of fire is estimated at Tk. 3 lakh.
Jewellery worker commits suicide  
Anjan Das (25), a worker of a local jewellery shop named Manikanchan Jewelers of Morrelganj bazar under Morrelganj Upazila in Bagerhat committed suicide by taking sulphuric acid on Friday. It is learnt from the locals that on the day at about 5 am Anjan Das took sulphuric acid and fell ill seriously. He was at first admitted to the local Upazila Health Complex for his treatment. But considering his precarious health condition he was shifted to Khulna Medical College Hospital where he expired at 11 am while he was given treatment. His dead body was sent to his village at Torky under Gaurnadi Upazila in Barisal district. He had been working in jewelers at Morrelganj for long 4/5 years. The cause behind the suicide could not be known.
Scholarships distribution ceremony held
Bhanura (Pabna) Correspondent
 A scholarship of Tk 1.10 lakh taka was given for aboriginal children of Khanmorich Union under Bhangaura upazila in Pabna district recently. Arifuzzaman, UNO of Bhangura was presiding the meeting . Among others Aslam Ali,District Council member, Zafar Iqbal Hirok and Josna Parvin Upazila Vice Chairman, Principal Saidul Islam ,Organizing Secretary of Upazila Awami League, K M Jahangir Hossain Primary Education Officer were present in the programme. Before Gyanendra Nath Murali ,Chairman and Ranjeet Kumar Basak, General Secretary of tribal multipurpose co-operative society were speaking on behalf of the aboriginal families. UNO Arifuzzaman said 56 students of different level are gradually getting scholarship money in Bhangura Upazila.
Youth electrocuted in Gafargaon
 Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent
A youth named Ahammad (16) died in electrocution at Gafargaon Upazila under Mymensingh district on Saturday . The deceased was identified as Ahammad (16) son of Aker Ali was the resident Of Janmajoy village of Saltia union under Gafargaon Upazila. Source added that t the line of electricity has been disconnected of the house adjacent to former UP chairman Shahidur Rahman of Saltia union on Friday night by heavy wind . A local electrician name Ahammad went to connect electricity to that house. The fatal incident took place that morning when Ahammad was repairing the line climbing up the electric pillar . During electricity connection he came to contact with a live electric wire and he was critically injured. Later, he was rescued and was taken him to Gafargaon Upazila Health Complex .The doctor on duty declared him dead.