News in brief

View exchange meet on anti-corruption held
 Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent
 Gafargaon Upazila Anti-corruption Committee has taken a week long programmes to observe the Corruption Prevention Week. As a part of Corruption Prevention Week”, a rally was held at the premises of the local DakBangloo Chattor at 11am, on 27th March. Art competition was held among three groups and more than two hundred learners took part in this competition at local Adorsho Shisu Niketon at 12. Over three hundred students of Gafargaon Islamia Government High School and Khairullah Govt. Girls’ School, teachers, local journalists, elite , leaders of various socio-cultural institutions . Upazila Anti-corruption Committee President Dr.K.M.Ehsan and General Secretary Adv Md.Rafiqul Basar, member of upazila Anti-corruption committee Golam Mahmud Faroki, Upazila SUJON president Nur Abedin Babul, Press-club president, Ataur Rahman Mintu, Abdul Hamid Bachhu,president of Gafargaon -85′ social organization delivered their speeches on anti-corruption.  
Seminar held on land administration in Bagerhat
Bagerhat Correspondent
Under the auspices of SANAC (Sachetan Nagarik Committee), Bagerhat and with the assistance of TIB (Transparency International Bangladesh) a seminar was held in Bagerhat Press Club auditorium on Tuesday with a view to identifying the problems prevailing in the land administrations- Land Registration Department, Settlement Department and Upazila Land Administration in order to establish good governance, accountability and transparency in the total land administrations. Adv Nawroz Mohit, convener of Land Sector of SANAC, Bagerhat) explained the importance of holding such a seminar in his address of welcome. Fazila Khatun, Senior Programme Manager of TIB presented the key not paper on the topic in details in the seminar. Mamunur Rashid, ADM, Bagerhat while was addressing the seminar as the chief guest he said, irregularities and lack of transparency have been prevailing in all the departments concerned with the total land administrations due to shortage of man power and lack of co-ordinations among the concerned departments. The seminar was also addressed Nazmul Huda, Assistant Commission, Lands of Bagerhat Sadar Upazila, Jahangir Kabir Mohammad Faisal Sub-Registrar, Bagerhat Sadar, Prof. Mozaffar Hossain, journalist Adv. Mozaffor Hossain, Dr. Gean Ranjan Chakrabarthy, journalist Shaikh Abu Sayeed and a number of Union Land Officers (previously Tahsildars). The seminar was attended by the high officials, journalists, Union Land Officers, deed writers, employees of Settlement department and the elites of the town. It was presided over by Adv. Ramkrisna Basu, President of SANAC, Bagerhat while it was conducted by Prof. Chowdhury Abdur Rob, former president of SANAC, Bagerhat.
Roundtables meet on social accountability held
Bogra Correspondent
 A round table meeting on social accountability was held at Bogra DC office’s conference room on Wednesday by Social Engagement for budgetary Accountability (SEBA). A local non government organization Gramme Alo orgnised the programme helped by Manusher Jonno and finished by Global Partnership for social accountability. Deputy Commissioner of Bogra Md. Asraf Uddin was speaking as the chief guest in the roundtables meeting. SAM Rafiqunnabi, DD LG, ADC Asrafuzzaman, President of Grameen Alo Monowara Begum, Executive Director of Grameen Alo Ferdausi Begum, Project coordinator Naznin Janhan among other government officials UP Chairman, Members and Secretary of some UP were participated on the roundtables meeting.