News in brief

Community summit held in Rampal
Rampal-Mongla Correspondent
A day- long Community Summit was held in Rampal at 10 a.m. on Wednesday in Rampal. It was organised by the International Development Organisation ‘World Vision’Bangladesh under Rampal ADP. Presided over by ADP Manager of Rampal area Tapan Kumar Mondol, Upazila Chairman Sk. Md. Abu Said was present there as chief guest. UNO of Rampal Upazilla Tushar Kumar Paul , Upazilla Vice Chairman Sk. Moajjem Hossain and Upazilla Mohila Vice Chairman Hosneara Mili were present there as special guest. Mentionable that World Vision, Bangladesh, started their activities in Rampal on October 2016. They arranged this summit to share the opinion of the community people and to find out the prime need of the children of this area. In this summit government officials ,teachers, professionals , NGO representatives, UP representatives, guardians, children representatives and club representatives were also present.
Labourer killed in Sylhet landslide
Sylhet Correspondent
A labourer was killed in an incident of landslide while doing work of brick field in Gouainghat upazila of the district on Wednesday noon. The deceased was identified as Bashir Uddin 50. Son of A Khalik Lamapara Village under Gouainghat upazila Witnesses said Bashir, along with other labourers, was lifting Soil from Shalutikor Brick Field at noon. At a stage, a chunk of mud from the brick field crashed on Bashir around 12pm, leaving him injured. Later, he was whisked off to Sylhet Osmani Medical where on-duty doctors declared him dead. OC of Gouinghat Police Station Confirmed the news and said the dead body sent to Osmani Medical Collage Hospital for Autopsy.  
2 held with Yaba pills in Sunamganj
Police on Monday arrested two suspected drug peddlers along with 310 Yaba tablets in Tahirpur upazila of Sunamganj. Tipped off, a team of the law enforcers conducted a drive in the area around 4.30pm and arrested Abul Kaher of Badaghat and Badal Miah of Kamrabando along with the Yaba pills, SI Ajoy Kumar Das, in-charge of Badaghat Police Camp said.
Dalit community members demand anti-discrimination law
Barisal Correspondent
Dalit and excluded community members forming a human chain in front of Ashwini Kumar Hall of the city on Tuesday morning demanded constitutional recognition and anti-discrimination law. They pressing home their 8-point demands called for immediate ending of all kinds of socio-cultural-economical-religious discriminations. The programme was organized by Bangladesh Dalit and Excluded Rights Movement (BDERM) in cooperation with Nagorik Udyog to observe March 21 as the International Elimination of Racial Discrimination day.Lalit Das, district president BDREM, presided over and addressed among others by Uttam Kumar Vakto, central organizing secretary, Shampa Das, women Secretary of the organizations. The speakers claimed there are around 5.5 to 7 million Dalits and excluded community members in the country with only 5 percent literacy, 10 percent schooling and 95 percent dropout rates.The Constitution of Bangladesh, Article 27,28(1,2,4) and 29(1-3), 1972, declared that state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds of religion, race, caste, ethnicity’s or place of birth or profession.
However in reality dalits, excluded and other minority communities across the country continue to experience caste discrimination, social exclusion and practices linked to untouchability during participating in political, economic, social and cultural life, the speakers said.
It is the State’s responsibility to protect rights, dignity and uniqueness of the dalit communities in Bangladesh, they said.
As we can’t see proper implementation of the constitution, there is a need to form an act declaring caste-based discrimination as a punishable offence and formation of a commission to ensure the rights for dalit and excluded community, the dalit community leaders told.
Speakers at the human chain rally also claimed representatives from community members in parliament and law implementing agencies, special provision, quotas and budgetary allocation in different sectors of society, profession, education, health, housing and civic service providing institutions, social protection schemes and social safety nets.
Mentionable UN commemorative the March 21 since 1966 in memory of the Sharpeville massacre of 1960 in South Africa killing at least 69 and injuring 180 black anti-apartheid protesters including eight women and ten children by shooting of armed police on peaceful anti-apartheid demonstrators .
