News in brief

24 civilians killed in Syria town bombing
AFP, Beirut
Turkish bombardment of an Islamic State group-held town in Syria has killed 24 civilians, a monitor said Thursday, but Turkey’s army said only “terrorists” died in the operation.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the dead in air strikes and shelling on the town of Al-Bab in the last 24 hours included 11 children.
Turkey’s army, quoted by the state-run Anadolu news agency said it had killed 15 “terrorists” in air strikes, artillery fire and clashes.

2 Dominican journos shot dead
AFP, Santo Domingo
Two journalists were shot dead during a live radio broadcast in the Dominican Republic, police and media said.
Unidentified attackers burst into the 103.5 FM studio as presenter Luis Manuel Medina was reading the news on air on Tuesday and shot him dead, station employees were quoted as saying by local media.

Suicide bomber kills at least 15 in Iraq
Reuters, Baghdad
A suicide bomber detonated a pick-up truck on Wednesday in Sadr City, a heavily populated poor Shi’ite suburb of Baghdad, killing at least 15 and wounding 50, security sources said. The explosion, the deadliest in Baghdad so far this year, targeted a crowded street full of garages and used car dealers.

Police brutality protests in Paris suburbs
AP, Parish
Protests continue in the Paris suburbs over the assault of a young black man allegedly sodomized with a police baton.
The police accused “several hundred” individuals of various “acts of violence and damage.”
The rioting capped a week of nightly clashes in the northern Paris suburb over the treatment of Theo, a 22-year-old youth worker, who claims that a police officer sodomized him with his baton after a stop-and-search check in a housing estate.
