News In Brief


Workshop on child adaptation, disaster risk reduction held
Rangpur Correspondent
Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) in collaboration with the UNICEF arranged a day long consultation workshop on child-centered adaptation and disaster risk reduction at the RDRS conference hall yesterday. Mr. Omar Tarek Chowdhury, Fellow, BCAS started the workshop with an opening speech. In his speech, he mentioned about the government’s interest and commitment to deal the climate change in national and international levels. Mr. Najibullah Hameem, Regional Chief of UNICEF elucidated the importance of the field level information to develop an action plan to address the child-centered CCA and DRR. He also explained the objective of the workshop which is taking suggestions from the participants to develop an action plan to address child-centered adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Dr. Dwijen Mallick, Fellow of BCAS gave the key note presentation where he discussed the gaps in different policies and action plans regarding child-centered adaptation. He also mentioned that ‘climate change is affecting child rights such as education, health, nutrition, sanitation, etc.’ Different participants from government, INGO and NGO were present in the consultation workshop to give inputs to develop the action plan. The participants emphasized on the collaboration between the government and non-government organizations to ensure child-centered adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
Case lodged against police official demanding bribe
Barisal Correspondent
A case has been lodged with a Barisal court on Wednesday against Md. Mohiuddin, sub inspector of Barisal Kotwali police station, alleging torture and threatening to kill the complainant by ‘crossfire’ demanding bribe. Ripon Mridha, son of late Abul Hasem Mridha, of Khan Sarak in Rupatali Gasturbine Road area of the city, as complainant lodged the case against 5 accused including SI Mohiuddin byname and 4 others unnamed with Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court of Barisal. Muhammad Ali Hussain, CMM of Barisal, accepting the case, ordered Md. Anisur Rahman, metropolitan magistrate, to submit primary report about the allegation within a fortnight. Shakhwat Hossain, bench clerk of the court, giving brief story about the allegation, said Ripon Mridha, Ripon Akon and Afzal Hossain jointly doing business of selling and purchasing land properties in the area. On October of 2016, SI Mohiuddin demanded Tk 3 lakhs as bribe to run their business smoothly. However when they denied to pay the bribe, the police official threatened to arrest, torture and killing them in crossfire.
Fugitive held in Sylhet
Sylhet Correspondent
Police arrested a fugitive from Borokapon area in Chhatak upazila of Sunamganj district on Wednesday. Tipped off, a police team intercepted a minibus and arrested Abul Jabbar Moshahid, 40, son of Abul Lais of Palpur village, while going to Sylhet, said Abu Afsar, sub-inspector of Jawa Police camp. He said Jabbar is wanted in a number of cases filed with Chatak Police Station.

2 killed in Fakirhat road mishap
Bagerhat Correspondent
2 persons were killed on the spot and 1 was injured when a motor cycle collided head on with a speeding truck laden with sand on Mongla-Mawa Highway at Shambagat under Fakiorhat Upazila in Bagerhat district on Tuesday at noon. Deceased persons were Osman Shaikh (38), a rider of the motor cycle, of Mongla Muslimpara and motor cyclist Shohag (32) of Sharankhola Upazila in the district and the injured is identified motor cycle rider Haidar Shaikh (35) of Mongla Shewlabunia. The locals recovered the injured person and sent him Khulna Medical College Hospital for his treatment. Police seized the killer truck and arrested it driver Nayan.
