News In Brief


China to attend Vatican summit for first time
AFP, Beijing
China will attend an organ trafficking summit at the Vatican for the first time Tuesday, local media said, as Beijing tries to persuade the world it is no longer using executed prisoners as donors.
Former vice health minister Huang Jiefu has been invited to the conference as the Holy See bids to improve relations with the Asian giant, long stalled over conflicts about who should control the Catholic church in China.

Roadside bomb kills Afghan
district chief
AP, Kabul
An Afghan police spokesman says a roadside bombing has killed the top government official of a district in western Farah province. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack.
The spokesman, Iqbal Baher, says that Abdul Khaliq, the top official in the Khak-e-Safed district, died in the bombing near his home in the city of Farah, the provincial capital, on Tuesday. He says Khaliq was on his way home from a mosque earlier in the morning when the explosion took place.

Malawi, Tanzania to revive lake
dispute talks
AFP, Blantyre
Malawi and its northern neighbour Tanzania have agreed to revive talks to resolve a long-running border dispute, President Peter Mutharika said Tuesday after meeting Tanzania’s foreign minister in Lilongwe.
The two east African neighbours are at odds over the ownership of Lake Malawi which straddles both countries with Tanzania claiming the top half of Africa’s third largest freshwater lake-a claim contested by Malawi.


2 IS recruiters detained near Barcelona
AP, Madrid
Spain’s Interior Ministry says two Moroccan men who are accused of indoctrination in Islamist extremism and recruiting others have been detained in Barcelona.
The ministry said in a statement that the men, aged 25 and 27, allegedly raised money through drug trafficking and theft to support the Islamic State group.
Agents of Spain’s Guardia Civil were searching the men’s apartment on Tuesday morning in Badalona, bordering Barcelona.
