News in brief

Ban abandons S Korea presidency bid
AP, Seoul
Former U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Wednesday that he won’t run for South Korea’s presidency, a surprise announcement that removes a key figure in the scramble to replace impeached President Park Geun-hye and further stirs the country’s already tumultuous politics.
The withdrawal of Ban, who had been considered the only major conservative contender, boosts liberal Moon Jae-in, who has enjoyed a comfortable lead in opinion surveys since Park was impeached in December.

Turkish, Israeli officials meet for improved ties
AP, Ankara
Senior Turkish and Israeli officials are meeting for the first time in nearly seven years, seeking to find ways to further improve ties and to discuss regional developments.
Turkey and Israel – formerly close allies – reconciled last year and restored ambassadorial-level diplomatic ties, mending a deep rift caused by the deaths of 10 Turkish activists during an Israeli commando raid on an aid vessel that tried to breach the blockade on Gaza in 2010.

Philippine killings are extrajudicial: Amnesty
AP, Manila
Most of the thousands of killings of poor suspects under Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s anti-drug crackdown appear to be extrajudicial executions and may constitute crimes against humanity, Amnesty International said Wednesday.
The London-based human rights group urged Duterte’s government to adopt an approach that respects human rights in its fight against drugs and crime, and called on the police and judiciary to prosecute officers involved in unlawful killings.


IS suspect arrested over attack plot in Germany
AP, Berlin
A Tunisian man suspected of being a recruiter for the Islamic State group and building a network of supporters to carry out an attack in Germany was arrested Wednesday as authorities raided dozens of locations.
Frankfurt prosecutors said that their investigation was directed against 16 people aged between 16 and 46. The main suspect, a 36-year-old Tunisian whom authorities didn’t identify, was arrested in Frankfurt on suspicion of supporting a foreign terrorist organization.

Heavy fighting continues in eastern Ukraine
AP, Avdiivka
Ukraine reported Wednesday that at least one soldier was killed overnight and more injured in the country’s east as heavy fighting between government troops and Russia-backed rebels continued.
Heavy shelling was heard in the center of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk Wednesday morning.

‘Abduction’ of China tycoon sparks fear in HK
AFP, Hong Kong
The mystery over the reported abduction from Hong Kong of a Chinese billionaire deepened Wednesday after a newspaper advert appeared in his name pledging loyalty to China, in a case that has heightened fears over Beijing’s meddling.
