News in brief

Jewelers to cut gold prices again
Economic Reporter
Jewelers have cut the prices of gold to adjust the prices of the precious metal with the international market.
The new prices have been made effective today, according to Bangladesh Jewelers’ Samity (BAJUS).
According to BAJUS, per bhori (11.664 grams) of 22-carat or the best quality gold will now cost Tk 44, 790 against Tk 45,898, 21-carat will cost Tk 42,691 against Tk 43,857 and 18-carat will cost Tk 37, 034 against Tk 37,908.
In traditional system, the rate of a bhori of gold will be Th 24, 977 against Tk 25,020.
The price of per gram silver will now cost Tk 90.

Order for relocating poultry feed factories from Hazaribagh upheld
Economic Reporter
The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a High Court order for relocating poultry and fish feed factories, which are using tannery waste in their products, from capital’s Hazaribagh area.
A four-member Appellate Division panel headed by Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha passed the order while scraping a leave to appeal plea against the High Court order.
The apex court in its order also upheld High Court directive to shut off the function of more than fifty such factories.
Rights group Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB) in 2010 had filed writ petition with the High Court. Accepting the plea, the High Court on July 26, 2010, issued a rule asking as to why it shall not pass an order to shut off function of the factories that are using tannery waste in producing poultry and fish feed.
Declaring the rule as absolute, the High Court in 2011 had asked to stop function of those factories within a month.

Bangladesh gets APICTA MERIT award-2016
BSS, Dhaka
Bangladesh won for the first time Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Award-2016 in sustainability and environment category for the “Soil Safe” digital soil and fertilizer testing mini lab initiatives.
The “Soil Safe” digital soil and fertilizer testing mini lab initiative, developed by a Bangladeshi organization Kranti group, at the APICTA award giving event held in Taipei, Taiwan, a press release said today.
Director of Kranti Group Muhammad Risalat Siddique received the award at a function on December 5.
The “Soil Safe” digital soil and fertilizer testing mini lab initiative has been developed to assess the quality of soil, which eventually help farmers to grow suitable variety of crops.
APICTA MERIT award is considered as one of most prestigious awards globally in the ICT
