News In Brief


US issues Europe travel alert
PTI, Washington
The US today issued a travel warning to its citizens alerting them to the heightened risk of terrorist attacks throughout Europe, particularly during the holiday season, a day after France thwarted an ISIS terror plot.
“US citizens should exercise caution at holiday festivals, events, and outdoor markets,” the State Department said in the travel warning.

UN base ‘targeted’ in Central Africa clashes
AFP, Bangui
The UN peacekeeping force in Central African Republic (CAR) said Tuesday one of its bases had come under fire during clashes between rival groups, prompting its troops to respond.
The violence erupted on Monday between rival factions of the so-called former Seleka Muslim rebel group in the town of Bria, 400 kilometres (250 miles) northeast of Bangui, MINUSCA said in a statement.

Bomb kills 3 Pakistan
AP, Peshawar
A Pakistani police official says a bomb blast has killed three paramilitary officers in the northwestern city of Peshawar.
Wajid Khan says the bomb, which was apparently detonated by remote control, exploded when a patrol of paramilitary police was passing by on Tuesday.
Khan says eight other people, including civilians, were wounded in the bombing.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.
