News in brief

Trump willing to mend ties with Russia
Reuters, Lima
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday US President-elect Donald Trump confirmed to him he was willing to mend ties, though he also said he would welcome President Barack Obama in Russia.
“The President-elect confirmed he is willing to normalise Russian-American relations. I told him the same. We did not discuss where and when we would meet.”
Putin also told a news conference in Lima after the APEC summit that Russia is ready to freeze oil output at current levels.

Police officer shot dead in US
AP, San Antonio
A police officer was shot to death in his squad car Sunday outside police headquarters in US , authorities said. Authorities said Detective Benjamin Marconi was writing out a traffic ticket to a motorist when another driver pulled up from behind and shot him dead. San Antonio police Chief William McManus identified the officer as Detective Benjamin Marconi, 50, a 20-year veteran of the force.

Three minutes to embrace on US-Mexico border
AFP, San Ysidro
For 20 years, Laura Avila had yearned to hug her mother again. On Saturday, tears streaming down her face, the 35-year-old had her wish finally come true-if only for three minutes.
At 12:27 pm, she hesitantly walked toward a heavy metal gate on the US-Mexico border in San Diego that a US Border Parol agent had opened only minutes before, burying her face in her mother’s embrace.

Crunch talks on Cyprus unity resume
AFP, Mont Pelerin
Rival Cypriot leaders on Sunday resumed UN-backed talks on ending the island’s 42-year-old division, with hopes of breakthrough high but a key territory dispute unsettled.
Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades and his Turkish Cypriot counterpart Mustafa Akinci were meeting at a luxury hotel in Mont Pelerin, a town on the shores of Lake Geneva, for the second time this month.
