News In Brief


Xi, Trump agree to meet ‘at an early date’
AFP, Beijing
Chinese President Xi Jinping and US president-elect Donald Trump agreed Monday to meet “at an early date” to discuss the relationship between their two powers, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said Monday.. In a telephone call, Xi told Trump-who frequently savaged Beijing on the campaign trail and threatened to impose a 45-percent tariff on Chinese-made goods-that the world’s top two economies “need cooperation and there are a lot of things we can cooperate on”, CCTV reported.

Mexico to discuss deportations with Trump team
AFP, Mexico City
Mexico’s government said Monday it will discuss with US President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration his plan to jail or deport millions of undocumented migrants with criminal records. President Enrique Pena Nieto has given instructions to his ministries to consider any “contingencies” in case Trump undertakes massive deportations when he takes office in January, government spokesman Eduardo Sanchez said.


US drone strikes will go on in Pakistan
AP, Washington
The White House has no intentions of ending CIA drone strikes against militant targets on Pakistani soil, U.S. officials say, possibly setting the two countries up for diplomatic tensions after Pakistan’s parliament unanimously approved new guidelines for the country’s troubled relationship with the United States.

Russian MiG-29 jet fighter crashed
Reuters, Moscow
A Russian MiG-29 fighter jet from the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier has crashed into the Mediterranean Sea, news agencies cited a defence ministry statement as saying on Monday.
They said the pilot was safe after ejecting from the plane. Flights by Russian military planes in the region had not been suspended.
Admiral Kuznetsov belongs to a naval group which Russia has deployed near Syria as part of its campaign against militants who are fighting government forces.
