News in brief

UK HC to rule on suit challenging Brexit
AP, London
Britain’s High Court is set to rule Thursday on whether the government can trigger the U.K.’s exit from the European Union without approval from Parliament.
The case is considered the most important constitutional matter in a generation.
It centers on whether Prime Minister Theresa May can start negotiating Britain’s exit from the EU without a vote in the House of Commons. At the core of the matter is the balance of power between Parliament and the government.

Amnesty evicted from Moscow office
Reuters, Moscow
Amnesty Inter­national, a campaign group which has accused the Kremlin of violating human rights with its bombing campaign in Syria, was evicted from its Moscow office on Wednesday..
The Moscow city government, from which Amnesty leased the premises in the Russian capital’s centre, said the group was behind on the rent, but Amnesty said it had documents to prove it was up to date with payments.

2 US service members killed in Afghanistan
AP, Kabul
Two U.S. service members were killed on Thursday battling Taliban insurgents in northern Afghanistan alongside local troops, NATO said, rare combat deaths for American forces who largely handed over securing the war-torn nation to Afghan troops some two years ago.
Kunduz officials later said they were investigating claims that local civilians also were killed in the fighting, possibly in a retaliatory airstrike.
