News In Brief


Yemen accuses Iran for
blocking peace
AFP, United Nations
Yemen’s president hit out at Iran during his address to the United Nations on Friday, accusing Tehran of blocking peace moves through its support for Huthi rebels who continue to hold the capital.
“We shall extract Yemen from the claws of Iran. We shall raise the Yemeni flag over every foot of our precious soil,” President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi told the UN General Assembly.

100 immigrants
entering Costa Rica daily
Reuters, New York
More than 100 illegal immigrants are entering the small Central American country of Costa Rica every day, looking for “coyotes” to take them across the Nicaraguan border and on toward the United States, President Luis Solis said on Friday.
Eighty-five percent of the new arrivals are from Haiti by way of Brazil, where many settled after Haiti’s 2010 earthquake but whose construction jobs have disappeared now that the Rio Olympics are over and the country wallows in recession, Solis said on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.
23 dead in Pakistan bus accident
AFP, Muzaffarabad
At least 23 people were killed when a minibus plunged from a mountain road into a river in a remote area of Pakistan-administered Kashmir late on Friday, officials said.
The accident took place at Nausehri, some 45 kilometres (27 miles) north of Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, when the minibus driver lost control.
