Newlywed housewife ‘tortured to death’ for dowry

UNB, Kushtia :
A newlywed housewife had been tortured to death reportedly by her in-laws over dowry at Seuria Karigarpara in Kumarkhali upazila on Sunday.
The deceased was identified as Nasrin Khatun, 19, wife of Shariful of the village.
Victim’s father Nasir Uddin of Mirpur upazila said Shariful and Nasrin got married barely six months back and since their marriage, Shariful and his family members had been torturing Nasrin for a motorcycle as dowry. On Sunday, they beat Nasrin mercilessly after keeping her confined to a room, leaving her dead on the spot.
Later, Shariful and others hanged the body with the ceiling of the house to make it appear that she committed suicide, claimed Nasir.
On information, police recovered the body on Monday morning and sent it to local hospital morgue for autopsy. Abdul Khaleque, officer-in-charge of Kumarkhali Police Station, said the body bore several injury marks and action will be taken after getting the autopsy report.
However, police could not arrest anyone as Shariful and his family members went into hiding after the incident.