Newborn declared dead, found alive minutes before burial

Staff Reporter :
A newborn girl was declared dead by a doctor of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) on Friday morning, but surprisingly was found alive just minutes before her burial at Rayer Bazar.
The doctor declared the premature baby dead minutes after the mother, Shahinur Akter, gave birth to her early Friday after nearly seven-months of pregnancy. Hospital staffers put the baby as dead in an abandoned box of hand gloves and asked the father, Yeasin Mollah, to take her to Azimpur graveyard for burial.
Yeasin took the baby to Azimpur graveyard, but he was suggested to go to Rayerbazar graveyard where the burial cost is comparatively lower as he lacked the money.
In Rayer Bazar graveyard, a grave was dug, but minutes before the burial, the box jerked and the baby showed signs of movement inside, Yeasin said.
He opened the box and found his baby alive; she was moving and opening her mouth. Yeasin then rushed the baby straight to DMCH again.
“The on-duty doctor and nurse of Ward No 211 said there is no vacant seat to admit the baby and asked me to take her to another hospital,” Yeasin alleged.
The baby was however admitted after Yeasin refused to take the baby elsewhere as he did not have the money to treat her in a private hospital.
DMCH Director Brigadier General AKM Nasir Uddin could not be reached for comments.
Yeasin hails from Gopalganj. He used to live with his family in Dhaka’s Uttara area. This is their second child. They have a nine-year-old daughter.