New school text books by Dec

M M Jasim :
The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) has taken various steps to send all the new textbooks of secondary and primary levels and its equivalent to the schools and madrasahs for 2016 academic year by December. The textbooks will be distributed among the students on January 1, 2016 across the country.
The NCTB has already dispatched 50 percent textbooks, about 34 crore, NCTB Chairman Narayan Chandra Pal told The New Nation yesterday.
 “There are some difficulties in publishing the primary textbooks. Yet the
NCTB hopes to send all the books by December. The officials of the NCTB are working to do that,” he said.
The students will get new textbooks from the day one of the next year.
According to the NCTB, it has printed 163000373 textbooks for 10460893 students at secondary level, 34678829 for 2344469 students at Dakhil and Dakhil Vocational level, 2271836 textbooks for 187153 students at Secondary School Certificate (SSC) level, 108740011 textbooks for 23170351 students at Primary level, 19247480 textbooks for 2703984 students at Ebtedayee level and 6576106 textbooks for 328053 students at pre-primary level.
Printing of the textbooks, binding and sending are the responsibilities of the owners of the printing presses. NTCB will just monitor the overall system.
Narayan Chandra Pal said, “We directed the owners of printing presses to deliver the textbooks in time. They also pledged that they would not delay in the process.”
 “Officials of the NCTB are monitoring the printing activities of the printing presses. There is no scope to delay the supply of the textbooks after the scheduled time,” he said.
Bangladesh Printing Industry Association President Shahid Serniabat said, “We will start printing work of the textbooks as soon as we get official permission of NCTB and we hope that we will be able to deliver textbooks within scheduled time.”
It may be mentioned that the government started to distribute the free textbooks among the students across the country since 2010. In 2010, the government distributed 27662529 textbooks, in 2011, 23 crore, in 2012, 27 crore, in 2013, 31 and 2015, 32.64 crore.