New method of natural fish fry production in Adamdighi

Beel Nursery pond being excavated


Our Correspondent :
The Fisheries Department has taken new measures for the natural production of fish fry in open beel water bodies. In this regard, Beel Nursery pond excavation project has been taken up to implement the efforts. It has been learned that in addition to the historic Raktadaha Beel in Adamdighi Upazila of Bogra, Beel Nursery Pond is being dug in the Beel reservoir of Rajshahi Division.
The Fisheries Department is financing here under the ‘Rajshahi Divisional Fisheries Resource Development Project’. For a long time, the government has been releasing artificially produced pona fish in open water ponds from the fisheries department. But this system is not very effective.
Large mature mother and brood fish will be reared with natural food in the bill nursery ponds of this new project.
Arrangements will be made to spread all the fingerlings in the open bill after the fingerlings are the size of fingerlings obtained from the eggs released by the fish in a natural way.
The scattered ponies will grow up eating the natural food of the bill.
The natural taste of that fish can be found. That is what the Upazila Fisheries Department says. Each of the four nursery ponds being dug in Raktadaha Bill will be 300 feet in length and 80 feet in width. Depth will be 6 feet.
The cost of digging each pond is allocated 5 lakh 16 thousand rupees. Meanwhile, fishermen in the bill have complained that the pond is being dug three / four feet deep instead of six feet. To verify the veracity of this, he went to the remote area Raktadaha Bill on Wednesday and found the truth of the allegation.
The depth of the two ponds dug in the end has been seen to be half. Regarding the depth and length of the excavated pond, Adamdighi Upazila Senior Fisheries Officer Sujoy Pal said there was no opportunity to complete the excavation work outside the design.
The officials responsible for the implementation of the project will not accept it even if it is a little less than the size. On the other hand, there was a live conversation with some fishermen including Ramzan Ali Pramanik, a fisherman. They complained that the bill was officially tax-free. But the leaders of the fishermen’s association have been extorting money. But the receipt is not given. No account is given.
The Fisheries Officer said that no one in the Fisheries Department is aware of this.
The matter of exchanging donations is their own affair. Talking to Mintu Hossain alias Pintu, president of the Fishermen’s Cooperative Society, the representative denied the allegation of extortion and said that only savings money was collected from the members of the society as per the rules.
