New Internationalism As Conceptualized On Humane Ground


Our livelihood, future and many other things are uncertain now. We are now trapped in a terrible abnormality. Just as World War II invaded society, so did the corona virus. It wants to destroy not only our society, but the whole world. This is a world war, like the third world war. The past two world wars have been fought by the capitalist-imperialists in a race to increase their occupation. This time the attack came from within the whole capitalist system. The time long clash of capitalism with man is the latest and worldwide manifestation of this corona attack. It is silent, but much broader than in the previous two wars. Its attack has endangered not only human beings, but also humanity all over the world. By denying all the achievements of human civilization, Corona is trying to push man back to its primitive state. Even within primitive condition there was a relationship of mutual sympathy and friendship with nature. This epidemic seeks to eradicate those two qualities. It’s unkind words are stated as- “Stay at home, enter the cave. Wipe out your social entity, don’t look at anyone. Everyone else is your enemy; they are no relatives of you but a danger to you. Everyone is for one’s own.”
But human civilization is not a caveman, never was, never will be. If so happens-death will be unavoidable. Civilization wants people to be social, to be together, and to hold hands with each other all over the world. The aspiration of civilization is not the internationalization of disease, but the internationalization of health. It is known that the transmission of the disease is very easy; the spread of health is very difficult. Human civilization is not easy, it is difficult. It’s duty is to take human history forward. Corona’s job is just the opposite. Corona is destructive, civilization is creative. Corona is isolated; civilization makes people in close touch to each other. It is clear that, civilization and Corona stand in opposite positions. The disappearance of the corona is the main condition for human civilization to perform its duties. Corona will be defeated. People have never surrendered, nor will they. Medicines will be discovered, medical care will be improved. But what is the guarantee that there will be no new and more terrible epidemics in the coming days? There is no certainty at all, but there are fears.
Civilization helps to prevent it’s act of repetition. The purpose of one’s knowledge is to protect humanity, to make humanity more developed and to save him from destruction. The practice of human knowledge will bring to the fore the truth which was destroyed by the destruction of Corona. The fact is that there was a great deal of abnormality behind what we thought was normal. That is artificiality. It is said that the practice of inhumanity was going on in the name of improving humanity. Growing inequality and human enmity with nature were on the rise. There have been material improvements, but the two weaknesses have increased as they have improved. The main focus of capitalist progress has been judged by the invention of weapons. This improvement has not given security to the people; rather it will make him more unsecured.
 Corona will increase inequality. Countless people will be unemployed. People will suffer from hunger. Poor countries will become poorer; the living standards of poor people will go down further. Violence will increase. Civilization, on the other hand, is not evidence of humanity in violence, not in killing people and depriving them of their humanity; there is an increase in happiness and abundance worldwide. If the friendship between man and nature is established, then civilization will progress, otherwise catastrophe is inevitable. It will endanger not only human civilization but also human existence.
In the modern world, knowledge is the most effective and useful weapon in the work place of change. Only knowledge can provide strength, give power. Today we need that knowledge very much that will tell that no one can live alone, if we want to live, we have to meet. And the main obstacle to togetherness is private ownership. Corona is the output and representative of capitalism. It wants to make the individual the only truth by forgetting the aggregate. Corona points out that there is no other way of liberation for the present world than the social ownership of wealth. Corona is creating social distance; collective action is needed to destroy Corona and its place of origin. The main obstacle in the way of that initiative is the private ownership of assets. What private ownership has already given, the rest is doom. This realization is waking up today in every country and all over the world. The practice of knowledge is not a luxury, it is essential. Its practice can show people the way to liberation and motivate people for liberation. Man wants to create international socialism. This practice of knowledge has made human civilization, where there is its glory and contentment. We need to be continued this practice of knowledge. This practice of knowledge is developing human civilization. That is their satisfaction. It is not just the work of civilization, it is the responsibility of the whole society. Especially those who do not want to accept the existing system. Corona virus teaches us that movement is needed for social change and the practice of knowledge is essential for that movement. Let the practice of knowledge continue.
It should not be forgotten that corona virus is a disease. More than 100 years ago, the effects of the deadly flu outbreak during World War I were even greater. But this terrible disease is even more terrible. The name of that disease is capitalism. Capitalism knows profit, not humanity. Capitalism loves luxury very much rejecting sensitivity. Its brutality reveals enmity with nature. On the one hand, it turns everything into a commodity; on the other hand, it pretends to be civilized. Capitalism seeks to obliterate the sensitivity that was inherent in the relationship of nature with man even in ancient times. At one time its role was progressive. But the corona virus proved that capitalism itself is a disorder. It is told that, the corona virus comes from nature, it is not man-made. Man did not create it; but the capitalist activities of some people have made it. This disease is the result of human oppression on nature.
A new internationalism is needed against Corona and capitalism. That internationalism is not globalization. The internationalism of globalization is commercial, the anti-capitalist internationalism is not commercial, it is humane. This international humanitarian aspect will require a social revolution. Social revolution in every country and around the world will change the world of private ownership and establish a new world of social ownership. Otherwise, this disease-ridden world will not be suitable for human habitation. The main obstacle to change the world will be the world capitalist system and the privileged ruling class of each country under it. So it will be mandatory to protest exploitation, this harmony and disorder. Again people need to fight against mis-rules and root out all sorts of corruption and irregularities. In this case there will be internationalism, exchange of experiences; but there will be no single world leadership.

(Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh Ansar VDP)
