New faction of LDP debuts officially


Staff Reporter : New faction of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) debuted officially through a special extended meeting in a city hotel on Monday.

Abdul Karim Abbasi, former presidum member of Oli’s LDP made the Convener of the new faction and Shahadat Hossain Selim, former Joint-Secretary General, its Member Secretary.
The other members of the convener committee are Abdul Gani, Abul Basar, Ibrahim Rawnak, Tauhidul Anwar and Kazi Matiur Rahman.
It also formed a national council preparation committee led by Abdul Gani.

Leaders from Colonel (rtd) Oli Ahmed led LDP formed the new faction announcing distrust on Oli’s leadership.

“We, 35 MPs have left BNP in 2006 under Oli Ahmed’s leadership while the party (BNP) was in state power. We left the party and formed new organisation only want of democracy. But we have now left LDP because Oli Ahmed’s dictator like behaviour,” said Abdul Karim Abbasi, the Convener of the new faction.


He said, “Oli Ahmed never honor any different views in party. We have formed new committee of LDP sans Oli Ahmed due to his autocratic behaviour inside the party.”

Abdul Gani, former Presidium Member of Oli’s LDP said that Oli Ahmed failed to provide democracy in his party which was the main reason to leave BNP.

Shahadat Hossain Selim, the Member Secretary of the new faction LDP, said no any person could be the owner of a political party, so that Oli Ahmed is not the owner of the party.
“He, (Oli) claimed to be the owner of the party, we refused his demand,” said Selim.
