Selfie with Khadiza: New face of cruel politics!

Special Correspondent :
As Khadiza is in life support in an ICU unit of a city hospital with machete injuries of a BCL leader, three Mohila League leaders, including a party lawmaker held a selfie session at her bedside on Wednesday Tuesday showing how cruel their politics capitalizing on human miseries.
As the visual picture of their photo session with a dying girl spread in social media and other outlets people’s anger is outpouring from all levels. Many wonder whether these three leaders have any sense how to threat a patient in death bed. Many wonder whether they made it their last minute fun with her as she remained motionless with respiratory support of hospital equipment.
The ruling party lawmaker Sabina Akhter Tuhin and joint secretary of Juba Mohila League Kohale Quddus apologised Thursday amid outrage over the selfie session.
But questions have been raised at the same time how and why the hospital management allowed them inside the ICU when the entry of visitors is highly restricted there.
Sources said, the hospital management tried to prevent them from entering the ICU, but they did not pay heed to them and finally entered there.
“None can enter the ICU on the grounds of patient’s safety and well-being. But they entered there using their influence,” an official of the hospital told The New Nation yesterday preferring anonymity.
Even we requested them not to take selfies inside ICU. But the women leaders were very interested to do so and ignored our request.
Their selfies wasn’t warranted any way there. But they were quite enthusiastic about getting clicked with her in the death bed to attract attention of party circle ahead of AL’s council.
But they cannot do this on moral grounds as such act hurts feelings of many people including
the patient’s family, besides compromising her privacy, said a relative,
Earlier, the social network spread the incidents all over making it a national issue causing outraging the people with condemnation and consternation against their ugly behavior in the ICU unit.
The group selfie, where three women Awami League leaders posed beside the critically wounded Khadiza, was posted on Facebook profile of Awami League lawmaker Sabina Akhter Tuhin on Wednesday.
Former lawmaker and Juba Mohila League General Secretary Apu Ukil and its Joint Secretary Kohale Quddus were also seen in the selfie.
It is now a question whether they went to visit Khadiza at the hospital to see her and wish her recovery or it was their narrow purpose to take a selfie to politically demonstrate their service to humanity.
Amid outpouring of criticism, lawmaker Sabina Akhter removed the selfies from her Facebook profile Thursday.
Later, she and Kohale Quddus apologised. Sabina Akhter Tuhin on her Facebook status said, ‘People are now interested over the selfies as if we have done harm to her by taking those photos.’
The lawmaker also said none but Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina and her party Awami League (AL) is beside Khadiza at the moment.
Kohale Quddus said people got wrong ideas from the selfies. The selfies were captured to let the people know about the latest condition of Khadiza.
Khadiza Begum Nargis (23) and a student of Sylhet Govt Women’s College, was stabbed by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) unit BCL leader Badrul Alam on Monday following her refusal of his proposal for a relation.
Square Hospital management said yesterday her condition is unchanged and they would brief the media on her condition today (Saturday).