New cell to oversee RMG sector

Economic Reporter :
The government has formed a new cell to watch over the status and the development of the country’s major export earning readymade garment (RMG) sector.
The Remediation Co-ordination Cell (RCC) will be start working in full swing in 2018 when the Accord and Alliance will complete their activities to ensure factory standard and safety in the country’s apparel sector, said an official statement issued last night.
The Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) proposed the Ministry of Labour and Employment to set up the cell so it could take the responsibilities of maintaining garment sector’s standard after Accord and Alliance.
The two groups of the western retailers in collaboration with the government and the International Organisation (ILO) have been working on improving factory standard and safety in garment sector since Rana Plaza tragedy in April 2013.
Diplomats of the major RMG importing countries have also been advocating establishment of a separate cell so safety and security in the garment factories are ensured.
According to the proposal, the Ministry of Labour and Employment on Monday formed the cell with the Inspector General of the DIFE its head. The 7-member cell includes three executive engineers, one each from the Public Works Department, Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (Rajuk) and Chittagong Development Authority (CDA).
A director from Fire Service and Civil Defence, secretary of the Electrical Adviser and Chief Electric Inspector and deputy inspector general of DIFE are also included in the cell.
Initially, the RCC will be working on building capacity of the DIFE, official sources said, adding that after taking the full responsibilities in 2018 the cell would provide all necessary support to the garment sector for maintaining standard, safety and security.