‘New Bangladesh’ campaign launched

Business Desk :
RFL, the largest producer of plastic products in the country, has launched a campaign titled ‘Bangladesh is not a bottomless basket, we are new Bangladesh’ to highlight the achievements of Bangladesh to the young generation.
Under the campaign, an art exhibition has been arranged at Suhrawardi Uddan where the gallery of the exhibition has been shaped like a basket, RN Paul, Managing Director of RFL, said a press conference at Fuzi Trade Center on Wednesday.
“The achievement of Bangladesh in various sectors including economy, women empowerment, education, agriculture, sports and culture will be highlighted in the exhibition which will remain open for all from December 16 to 22,” said Paul.
“Former secretary of state of the United States Henry Kissinger mocked us terming a bottomless basket during his trip to Bangladesh in 1974. But, the 16 crore people of Bangladesh now have a lot of achievements. So, we have organized the campaign to highlight these achievements to the young generation,” Paul added.
He said RFL has already launched a website to invite Kissinger to see Bangladesh’s achievements. People can invite him through www.invitekissingerbd.com site and need to fill in two boxes with name and phone number, he said, adding that then he or she needs to click the invite option.