New Ansar Battalion Act with provision of death penalty


Staff Reporter :
The Cabinet on Monday approved the ‘Ansar Battalion Act 2022’ draft law keeping the provision of capital punishment for rebellion or conspiracy.
The approval came at the cabinet meeting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the Prime Minister’s Office in the chair in the capital.
Emerging from the meeting, Cabinet Secretary Khandaker Anwarul Islam apprised the journalists of the matter at his Secretariat office.
“Like the other government officials, this force should have disciplinary procedures. If the force is found implicated in any crime, rebellion or incitement to rebellion or conspiracy, there are provisions of capital punishment or life-term imprisonment in the new law. The trial will be conducted at the Ansar court,” cabinet secretary said. Contd on page-11- Col-4
“If the arms, ammunition, uniforms, spare parts or part of vehicles are destroyed in a planned way by the Ansar, it is tantamount to committing crime with the punishment of maximum a three-year rigorous imprisonment and/or equal fine,” he said.
According to the new law, there is a maximum 90-day rigorous imprisonment for other minor crimes, he noted.
 Anwarul Islam said, the law has the provision of minor and major punishment as per their disciplinary procedure like other government officials.
About the appeal against any verdict, he said, “There will be two Ansar battalion courts – one for ‘Short Battalion Court’ and another for ‘Special Ansar Court’. Ansar can appeal to the Appeal Tribunal against heavy and light punishment.”
For the heavy punishment, the administrative ministry or divisional secretary will look into it while for light punishment, the Director General is the designated person, he said.
The law also contains the provision that has barred the Ansar members to disclose any information to the media – both print and electronic.
“With the prior permission from the higher authority, no Ansar member is allowed to disclose any information to the media,” the Cabinet Secretary said.
No Ansar member, as per the draft Act, is allowed to be a member of a political or non-political organisation.
About the new draft law with 33 provisions, he said, “We had a law for the Ansar since 1995. But with the change of the time, it requires massive amendment. So the home ministry decided to formulate a new law, instead of an amendment.”
Under the new law, there will be a Director General (DG) for the Ansar Battalion who will control and run the battalion following the government’s directives.
The DG will be able to issue necessary orders or rules as per the new law.
With the permission of the government, the short court will comprise three persons with the designation equal to the director of Ansar and Village Defence Party (VDP).
For the formation of the special battalion court, the home ministry will form the court with three members – one from ministry concerned, one from judiciary and one from Ansar and VDP.
