Netanyahu is sickly anti-Muslim and a danger for world peace


ISRAEL’s decades long deceit and fraud have at last made the global community totally frustrated following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling out of the chance of a Palestinian state; which so long provided the basis of a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. His volte-face disclosure that he ‘would never oversee the establishment of a Palestinian state’ in his election campaign which returned him to power in an early election last week, has also visibly blackmailed the global community and the US in particular; which has so far saved the Jewish state from global pressure offering the hope of a negotiated peace settlement.
The latest reports quoting White House officials said the Israeli PM’s stance against a Palestinian state is ‘inconsistent with the values that bind Israel and the United States,’ and that “the Obama administration may now agree to the passage of a United Nations Security Council resolution embodying principles of a two-state solution…. although it may be seen too antagonistic towards Israel.”
Netanyahu’s statement has in fact made a cruel mockery of a negotiated settlement and all the diplomatic efforts so long pursued under the agreed principle of the two-state solution. The Palestinian leaders who recognized the state of Israel abandoning the liberation struggle now find them stabbed from the back and betrayed and have no words how to bring back confidence in the Palestinian people.
It may be also a good lesson for Arab leaders who selfishly opted to normalize with Israel. They all have been blackmailed and disgraced as they were divided from within and forced to succumb to Jewish pressure this way or that way.
The Jews are seen historically as a curse nation and never enjoyed statehood. It is the USA that established Israel as a force to keep in check the Muslim countries of the Middle East. Now Netanyahu, true to the general betraying character of the Jews, has challenged the US President himself. What is a shame for the USA is that there are strong anti-Muslim lobbies for supporting Netanyahu who is a terrorist and a warmonger.
In human civilization, a good Christian, Jew and Muslim inherit almost common religious and ethical values as the people of the book. But when people like Netanyahu or some US leaders and leaders in some other countries misinterpret religions to allow killing of people of one religion by another or one sect by another, we must say they are destroying the civilization by protecting the devils. Protecting Netanyahu is like protecting a devil.
