Two militants held: Neo-JMB men attack cops to create panic: CTTC chief

Staff Reporter :
Monirul Islam, chief of Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) unit on Monday said that the separate teams of banned militant outfit Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (Neo JMB) carried out the attacks on police on cops in city’s different places to create panic.
The CTTC Chief Additional Commissioner to Dhaka Metropolitan Police (JMB) disclosed the information at a press

briefing at DMP Media Centre on Monday. During primary investigation of two detained members of Neo-JMB, they confessed their involvement in the attacks, Monirul Islam said.
A team of Neo JMB led by Rafique carried out the attacks on police at Gulistan on April 29, Malibagh on May 26, Paltan intersection and Khamarbari on July 23 and at Science Lab intersection on August 8 last year, he added.  
The CTTC chief further said Rafique had made the bombs, which were used during the attacks, at his house.
The cell, suspected to have 10 to 12 members, used two members for each operation and the IEDs were made at one of its dens in Narayanganj’s Fatullah, the officials said.
Earlier, two members of Neo-JMB – (an ultra-radical offshoot of the JMB) — were arrested for their alleged involvement with the attacks on police at five places in Dhaka last year. Md Jamal Uddin Rafique and Md Anwar Hossain were arrested from Shanir Akhra of the capital’s Jatrabari area on Sunday night.
