Neither road nor map in EC’s roadmap: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Moudud Ahmed on Saturday alleged that the main motive behind the Election Commission’s roadmap for the next polls is to take Awami League to power again through lopsided polls.
Speaking at a discussion, he also said the current political crisis over the 11th parliamentary polls will have to be resolved through an understanding among political parties by holding talks.
“There’s neither any road nor any map in the proposed roadmap of the Election Commission to restore people’s voting right. The Commission has taken an initiative to restore one-party rule and bring Awami League to power again,” the BNP leader said. Jatiyatabadi Projonmo 71 arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club to press home its demand for holding the next polls under an election-time supportive government.
Moudud, a BNP standing committee member, said the EC roadmap also has no direction to ensure a level-playing field and equal scope for all parties. “They didn’t use the word level-playing field in their roadmap at all.” He said their party wants to
participate in a fair and inclusive election where all parties will be treated equally and given equal scope.
The BNP leader came down heavily on Chief Election Commissioner KM Nurul Huda for his comment that the EC has nothing to do to ensure a level-playing field until the election schedule is announced. “His comment has exposed that the Election Commission is not willing to hold a fair election. They’re eager to rehabilitate Awami League through the next polls.”
He said, an election environment and a level-playing field must be created from right now if the EC really wants to hold a fair and acceptable election.
Moudud said, the country’s now main problem is to restore democracy and people’s voting right. “There’s no alternative but to wage a united movement by the democratic political parties to restore democracy and voting right.”
He criticised Awami League leaders for their comment that BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia fled abroad in fear of facing cases filed against her, saying, “Khaleda Zia has no history of fleeing the country. Those who have such record, they know it very well how they escaped from the country through a negotiation. People also didn’t forget it”