Negative marking in IU admission test


BSS, IU, Kushtia :

Islamic University (IU) in Kushtia is going to be introduced negative marking for wrong answer in its admission test breaking current system in the university’s 31st year’s history.
The negative marking system will be launched in the forthcoming admission tests for the first year honors courses under 2017-18 academic sessions.
IU acting registrar SM Abdul Latif disclosed the information to the newsmen today.
He said the decision was taken at a meeting of the university central admission committee held recently with Vice Chancellor (VC) Professor Dr M Harun-Ur-Rashid Askari in the chair.
The admission test will start from November 25 to 29. In the tests, the aspirants will face negative marking while 0.25 (point two-five) numbers will be cut for every wrong answer, he added.
Meanwhile, the tests of thirty three departments will be held under eight units. 2,275 students instead of 1,695 will be able to be enrolled into the university from this academic year due to increasing eight new departments.
Aspirants have been asked to apply for the admission tests in time while the registration process was started from midnight of October 15. It will continue till November 10. To confirm the registration, admission seekers will have to pay taka 500 through Dutch Bangla Mobile Banking (Rocket), said IU registrar office sources.
Successfully registered applicants will be able to download their own admit card from November 16 to 24. The system will be closed after being passed the scheduled time, they added.


IU admission process begins

The admission process of Islamic University, (IU) Kushtia for forthcoming first year undergraduate courses of 2017-18 session has begun on Sunday and will continue till November 10.
IU Registrar in charge SM Abdul Latif said to the Daily New Nation , this year aspirants will compete for 2275 seats of total 33 departments under 5 faculty and 8 Units. Admission test form fee is 500 tk each. Aspirants have to pay form fee through Rocket, a Dutch Bangla Bank Mobile Banking.
Details about the admission process are available on the university website at and
Mentioned, the admission tests will be held from November 25 to29.
