Needs to take pragmatic steps about Rohingyas


BANGLADESH’S Foreign Secretary told a UN Security Council meeting that Bangladesh cannot accept any more refugees from Myanmar. Bangladesh has urged the UNSC to take a decisive action to create a conducive atmosphere in Rakhine for Rohingya repatriation. The government initially received the persecuted Rohingya on the humanitarian ground but as the situation becomes worsened due to opposing of Myanmar to repatriate them, Bangladesh’s anxieties become permanent. We do believe Bangladesh should spearhead in creating a global awareness on the plights of Rohingyas.
The Foreign Secretary also accused Myanmar of “hollow promises and various obstructive approaches” during negotiations on repatriation. After a renewed flare-up in violence in Rakhine, new refugees are still crossing the border to Bangladesh. Dhaka still entrusts on the UNSC for guardianship to resolve the crisis, but hope in limbo as UNSC members China and Russia always take the side of Myanmar. Bangladesh urged Myanmar to ensure full implementation of the MoU among Myanmar, UNDP and UNHCR as well as the recommendations of the Kofi Annan Advisory Commission on Rakhine State. Besides, Bangladesh suggested bringing the resolution before the UNSC table to facilitate the investigation on violation of human rights and thus ensure international supervision for safe repatriation, visit the Rohingya refugee camps by the UNSC again and setting up “safe zones” in conflict-torn parts of Myanmar.
Several council members from western countries stressed that the return of refugees needed to be safe, voluntary, dignified and secure, and pushed for the Myanmar government to allow the UN widespread and unconditional access to Rakhine while China and Russia said the Rohingya crisis should be addressed regionally and need not come in UNSC discussion agenda.
By providing shelter to the persecuted Rohingyas inside Bangladesh, the country showed its humanity to the world but without action plan how to repatriate the people, Bangladesh would be in crisis. The government should take pragmatic decision about Rohingyas as their number is increasing day by day. Their presence has already put an impact on the socio-economic system of Bangladesh.
