Need of healthy recreation for our youths


THE Eid-ul-Azha holidays have ended. Even so, thousands of city residents, mostly women and children, are still swarming parks, museums and zoo for getting recreation. The visitors mostly flocked to Sangsad Bhaban area, Chandrima Uddyan, Ramna Park, Suhrawardi Uddayan, National Museum, Lalbagh Fort, Ahsan Manjil, Mirpur Zoo, Botanical Garden, Baldha Garden, Rabindra Sarabor, Fantasy Kingdom and Nandan Park at Ashulia. Of them, Mirpur Zoo and its adjacent Botanical Garden have reportedly witnessed record number of visitors during the Eid holidays.
Two children’s parks at the Shahbagh and Shyamoli were humming with kids’ murmur. Besides, the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban chattar, the Crescent Lake and the Chandrima Uddyan were no less eye-catching this year also. A long-queue of people, mostly women and children, was seen to buy tickets for entering the Bangabandhu Novo Theater, Military Museum and Air Force Museum.
We know, in comparison to density of population in Dhaka the number of recreational centres is very little. To get some amusement, thousands of people have to flock same places at the same time. For that reason, most of the time it becomes tough for them to get pleasure due to huge rush. Moreover, it is usually difficult to travel from one place to another by any mood of transport due to traffic jam while the dwellers also have to count a big amount of fare.  
The authorities must remember that recreation or amusement is a part of life. To live a healthy life, the human beings need ‘pure entertainment’ just like other necessary things. As Dhaka is expanding day by day and population is also increasing along with it, the city authorities should think about area-based recreation centres.
Making small parks, play grounds, green corners, cultural centres and other recreational spots in the local areas could reduce the pressure on big and distant spots. In particular, to save our young generation from idle gossiping, drugs and terrorism we must ensure them a healthy cultural atmosphere by providing recreational facilities.
