Need is not more judges but efficient organisation to wipe-out corruption

Many believe that there are more than enough judges in the High Court Division of the Supreme Court and no useful purpose will be served by appointing more judges in the High Court Division. Priority should be to make the judges efficient and free to dispose of the cases on urgent basis.
It is a costly affair to take care of the needs of a judge of the High Court Division. Besides, we do not have an impartial method of appointing judges in the highest court to be sure of their competence and judicial temperament. Politically weak-minded men will not be worth appointing as judges. Thus the appointment of judges of the highest court is not just a matter of number.
 The best thing would have been for the Supreme Court to set up a mechanism for impartial appointment of judges on the basis of their worth and competence. The judgeship of the High Court Division should not be a matter of doing favour without taking into consideration of his fitness for the difficult job. The duty of a judge is not to serve the government or anybody but only the cause of justice for the helpless victim of injustice.
The lower courts should be made more active and efficient to ensure faithful dispensation of justice. They must be protected to serve without outside pressure or hindrance. Their courage must come from the Supreme Court.
At present the public faith in the lower judiciary and its effectiveness is at low level. For little things like bail or injunction, the people have to come to the highest court. This cannot be the good management of the justice system. How to make the lower judiciary more effective needs to be considered seriously.
The next thing to be considered seriously also is how to reduce the number of cases. The practice of politics to use court cases against political opponents must be discouraged and rejected. It is our firm belief that granting of bail in criminal case should generally be treated as a right of the arrested person. If the bail is made easy there will be less encouragement for criminal cases. More emphasis should be laid on prevention of crime by efficient police activities.
