Need for Handwriting : A personal experience

Anup Kumar Das :
Handwriting is a great human achievement; we must preserve it. We need education first. We need education in every home. Handwriting is needed not only for the students in our country but also for the whole world. There is a special need to fine-tune handwriting so that students do not have handwriting bad. No matter what computer works in schools, colleges and universities, we must pass by handwriting. There is no alternative of it. Better handwriting is not something that is difficult. Subject will be increased every year but writing won’t. You have to practice ten minutes every day for ninety days. If a student can memorize Bangla, English beautifully, why not handwriting is better? I have been researching this for a long time. Handwriting is my only meditation. There are some basic strokes that should be learned to make handwriting really better. First of all, we must learn these strokes with interest. Handwriting wouldn’t be better if one couldn’t learn the strokes. There are some rules to make handwriting better. Such as, how to hold the pen, how to put the book in front, how to sit properly. Cambridge University teachers do not understand what students write. Sometimes, the students are called to the hall room and asked “What did you wrote the answer to the questions 5 or 7?” This situation should not be happened in our country.
If the writing is not correct, then my education is not right.
Students should remember that what they read, should be write correctly. The writing should be transparent and beautiful. Handwriting is a great human resource. We need to retain this wealth. If I am born as a human, I have to write.
If I try a little, I can make my handwriting beautiful.
It is a huge achievement of the government that every year, they are giving 40,00,00,000 books for free, but, if some handwriting learning books are given, then writing will be very strong. If an educational institution conducts training workshops on handwriting, I will gladly participate there. You can contact me: 01941566917. If this effort continues, no handwriting will be bad for our students after 2021. There are so many days observed in our country, why not Handwriting Day.
I intend to make calligraphers in this country from the students of colleges and universities. For this, I want only one platform from the government. The way the government is trying to advance education from a different point of view for the expansion and spread of education is very much appreciated. I hope the government will keep a close eye on better handwriting.
I want to bring a handwriting revolution in Bangladesh on better handwriting. Then, the quality of the education will be improved as well as the better quality of the writing will be revealed. It is very necessary for the nation in the field of education.
First of all, teachers need to learn this. If the teachers do not know the better writing, then who will teach the students? Eighty percent of the teachers do not have better handwriting in our country. Teachers need special training in this regard.
I have done handwriting workshops in many schools, colleges and universities. Seeing the encouragement of the students
I’m so overwhelmed. It was then that I realized that students are very interested in learning. But there is no teaching initiative, no planning. What is organized is extremely rare.
Everyone has to learn, to teach.
I saw that bad handwriting
Should be regarded as sign
Of as an improper education
-Mahatma Gandhi
Write in write way
-John Gibs
Learning good hand writing
is a part of good education.
-Dr. A.P.J Abul Kalam