Need for a national quality policy


Syed Anwar Hossain :
(From previous issue)
Conformity assessment: The overall objective of conformity assessment services is to demonstrate the quality of products and services independently from the manufacturer or the supplier. It includes testing, inspection, product certification, management certification and personnel certification.
To ensure the quality of test laboratories it requires accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025. Similarly the medical laboratories require accreditation to ISO 15189. Until now, around 41 laboratories and one medical laboratory have been accredited by BAB. BSTI is the only product certification body in Bangladesh, which is accredited to ISO/IEC 17065 by NABCB, India. Other product certification bodies also require similar accreditation. There is only one Inspection body in Bangladesh, which is accredited to ISO/IEC 17020. There are management system certification bodies which are accredited to ISO/IEC 17021 by BAB.
Accreditation: Bangladesh Accreditation Board (BAB) was established as an autonomous body by the Bangladesh Accreditation Act, 2006. BAB started working with its full-time employees in 2010 and accredited the first testing laboratory in June 2012. Since 2015 BAB is a full Member and MRA signatory to the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) for testing & calibration. BAB is regarded as one of the fastest growing accreditation body in the world. BAB will soon work on international recognition in the field of medical testing (ISO 15189), Management System Certification (ISO/IEC 17021). Inspection bodies(ISO/IEC 17020, Product Certification (ISO/IEC 17065), Proficiency Testing (PT) Provider and Reference Materials Producer.
Technical Regulation Framework: Technical Regulations (TR) must comply with the requirements of the WTO TBT Agreement. The NQP addresses the issue that there should be a programme of regulatory reform in order to limit the regulatory burden on suppliers to an absolute minimum without compromising the health and safety of the peoples of Bangladesh, its flora and fauna and environment. NQP also emphasises that the technical regulations should be developed only for legitimate reasons, that products imported from any trading partner are accorded treatment no less favourable than products of national origin, and that products from all trading partners will be dealt with in equal manner.
The National Quality Policy has interception with most other public policies such as Trade Policy, Industry Policy, Agricultural Policy, Environmental Policy, Food Safety Policy, Labour Policy and Science & Technology Policy, Post & Telecommunication Policy, Water Supply and Sanitation Policy, etc. For this reason 12 ministries and their agencies were consulted during the formulation of the Bangladesh National Quality Policy.
Bangladesh National Quality and Technical Regulation Council (BNQTRC)
In the NQP the Government of Bangladesh commits to the establishment of Bangladesh National Quality and Technical Regulation Council (BNQTRC) under the Ministry of Industries to develop a coordination mechanism for quality and technical regulation. Many countries embarking on regulatory reform or having to present their credentials to the WTO before becoming a member, have found it necessary to establish a very high level coordinating mechanism or body to oversee the coordination of the NQI and TRF. For example, several countries like India, Vietnam, Australia, Czech Republic, and United Kingdom have this kind of office. Moreover, most members of the European Union have a Technical Regulation Information System (TRIS). BNQTRC includes similar concepts of these countries.
BNQTRC has following major responsibilities:
Initiate the development of relevant legislative documents, policies, strategies, master plans, programs, projects and guidance related to Quality, standards, technical regulations, metrology, certification, inspection, accreditation, and testing and national quality awards;
Act as the National Enquiry Point for WTO TBT and notify the WTO the updates for Standards, Technical Regulations, Conformity Assessment and administrative provisions as required by the WTO TBT Agreement.
Identify, communicate eandliaise withal Ministries developing and implementing technical regulations to ensure that the Ministries and their Agencies reappraised of the role the BNQTR Cplays as regards technical regulation coordination.
Develop and disseminate information on the Technical Regulation Framework (TRF) to the relevant Ministries and their Regulatory Agencies explaining the modalities of the TRF and how best to achieve compliance with the same.
Establish system for the review of newly developed technical regulations against the requirements of the TRF and ensure that Ministries and their Regulatory Agencies submit such regulations for review before they are submitted to the Cabinet Division or Parliament for consideration, approval and promulgation.
To conduct the Research and Development in the field of quality and disseminate its results in the relevant industrial fields
Coordinate with and provide technical support to other ministries to establish a Quality Cell in each concerned ministry.
To conduct training activities related to Quality.
Develop and maintain a digital database of technical regulations according to the category of goods and services
Develop and maintain a digital database of Management System Certification bodies (ISO certification) and certified companies in Bangladesh. Monitor the performance of such certification bodies and control the misuse the ISO certification.
Coordinate with International and regional organizations in the field of Quality and Technical Regulations
Organize the activities relating to the National Quality Award Program.
Implement Bangladesh National Quality Policies and related laws forming a high level committee.
Bangladesh’s highest foreign currency earning sector Garments and shrimp are highly depended on conformity assessment. The European Union has started to accept the shrimp test results from a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025. The garment sector is highly depended on the testing, inspection and certification from the multinational organizations like SGS, Bureau Veritas and Intertek. These are very expensive and time consuming. Recently some brands in garment sector also started to accept test results from a laboratory, which is accredited by Bangladesh Accreditation Board. Similar improvement is possible in inspection and certifications. In this way Bangladesh can save millions of dollars and enhance the export. Hence, in order to increase the international trade for the benefit of the country, an environment has to be created in which the manufacturing and trading sector can become more competitive in international markets. Moreover, to create a quality culture in Bangladesh in the public and private domains, BNQTRC will take the initiative to promote quality awareness campaigns, provide for the integrated approach to quality management in the public sector and promote and support the creation of mechanisms or institutions that contribute to awareness raising and knowledge dissemination regarding quality to all the segments of society.
