Neaz emerges champion in Diplomat Cup Tennis

The winners of the Diplomat Cup Tennis Tournament with the chief guest State Minister for Foreign Affairs and President of Bangladesh Tennis Federation (BTF) Md Shahriar Alam and the other guests and officials of BTF pose for photograph at the National Te
The winners of the Diplomat Cup Tennis Tournament with the chief guest State Minister for Foreign Affairs and President of Bangladesh Tennis Federation (BTF) Md Shahriar Alam and the other guests and officials of BTF pose for photograph at the National Te

Neaz Ahmed of New Zealand Embassy emerged champion in the Diplomat Cup Tennis competition beating Niklas Skogsjo of Sweden Embassy 7-5 in the final held on Saturday at national tennis court complex in the city’s Ramna.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs and Bangladesh Tennis Federation President M Shahriar Alam MP was the chief guest in the final and distributed the prizes.
