‘Nearly 1,000 tourist spots to be identified’


Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) is working for identifying nearly 1,000 tourist spots across the country to enrich local tourism basket with wide range of diversified tourist attractions.
“Lots of tourist attractions are laying across the country, but due to lack of proper infrastructures and safety measures these spots are not getting popularity. We have taken an initiative to turn those spots into tourist attractions by developing tourism infrastructures and providing security to the tourists,” BPC Marketing Manager Parvez Ahmed Chowdhury told BSS. He said it will be a milestone in the country’s tourism industry as so far no such kind of list regarding country’s tourists attractions was prepared.
The BPC has taken up the imitative four years back in 2010 and asked all District Deputy Commissioners (DC) and Thana Nirbahi Officers (TNO) to identify potential tourist attractions of their respective areas.
“After receiving information from the DCs and TNOs, a team of BPC visited across the country and marked the tourist spots,” Chowdhury said.
He said the BPC has so far identified 800 tourist attractions from the information of DCs and TNOs and inspection of their own team. “Apart from the 800 spots, more tourist attractions are being included in the list and we are hopeful that we can identify nearly 1,000 potential tourists attraction under the initiatives,” chowdhury said.
A Committee of BPC has been working on it and it is expected that the list will be finalized within three months. After finalizing the list, the BPC will send the names and locations of the tourist attractions to the Civil Aviation and Tourism Ministry.
The ministry will make a short list from nearly 1,000 of tourist attractions and ask the relevant ministry to take proper action to turn the selected spots into tourism products through infrastructure development.
Director of Tour Operator Association of Bangladesh (TOAB) Toufiq Rahman said the drive to identify the tourist attractions, scattered across the country, is a good initiative of the government.
The list will help the government to preserve tourism products and help place variety of tourist attractions in front of both foreign and domestic tourists, he said.
