NCPS wants mega solar plant

Staff Reporter :
Renewing its demand for cancellation of the coal-based Rampal Power Plant near the Sundarbans, the National Committee to Protect Sundarbans (NCPS) on Tuesday demanded that a mega solar power plant be set up at the Rampal site.
 “We have placed our demand again with more confidence for scrapping the
Rampal Bangladesh-India Friendship Power Project. We are also demanding for installing a mega solar power project at the site,” NCPS convener Sultana Kamal said in a press conference at the BILIA Conference Centre in the capital.
The NCPS organised the press conference to present the findings of their research, and observations and comments some reputed international experts on coal-fired power plants to rebut the Rampal Power Plant authority’s ‘wrong and misleading answers to some questions’.
 “The government said that we were not talking scientifically on the issue. But we shared our concerns with the experts, who are well aware of the environmental impact very well,” said Sultana Kamal.
The Foreign experts who favour the project’s construction near the Sundarbans also have interests; She said adding that they will be exposed soon.
Sultana Kamal said if the Sundarbans is destroyed by setting up coal-fired Rampal Power Plant, the nation will be liable to history.
She said the power plant is being set up to serve the interests of a particular quarter, not the nation.
Prof Anu Mohammad, Member Secretary of the National Committee to Protect Oil-Gas, Natural Resources and Power-Port, said the Rampal power plant project will not only threaten the flora and fauna and biodiversity of the Sundarbans, but also will adversely affect the livelihoods of locals living in the adjoining areas of Rampal, including Bagerhat and Khulna.
Former caretaker government adviser Rasheda K Chowdhury also addressed the press conference. Sharif Jamil presented the remarks international experts made in response to Rampal Maitree Super Power Plant Company’s statement.