NCC Bank openes branch at Baganchra


Business Desk :
NCC Bank formally opened its 113th branch at Baganchra, Sharsha, Jessore on Monday, said a press release. Chairman of the Bank Md. Nurun Newaz Salim formally inaugurated the branch as chief guest.
Managing Director and CEO of the Bank Mosleh Uddin Ahmed presided over the ceremony while Chairman of the Audit Committee Md. Amirul Islam FCA, FCS, Director Khairul Alam Chaklader and Sponsor and former Director M.A. Quasem also graced the occasion as special guests.
Besides, Head of Marketing and Retail Banking Division Md. Abdullah-al-Kafi Mazumder along with other Senior Executives of the Bank, Businessmen and local elites were also present at the inaugural ceremony.
Chairman of the Bank Md. Nurun Newaz Salim in his speech said that NCC Bank is committed to provide best and innovative banking services to meet the needs of the customers in a prompt and secure way. In order to extend better services and to meet clients’ increasing demand, NCC bank has opened its Baganchra Branch in Jessore.
In this context he urged the local businessmen and professionals to avail the banking facilities to expand their ventures.
Managing Director and CEO Mosleh Uddin Ahmed said that agricultural, industrial and infrastructural development is the prime prerequisite for overall development of the country and hoped that the newly opened branch would make remarkable contribution in development of Agricultural, SME and Retail Business of the area.
