NCC announces Tk 424.05cr budget


BSS, Narayanganj :
Narayanganj City Corporation (NCC) Monday announced a development-oriented budget of TK 424.05 crore for the current fiscal year 2014-15 as against Tk.403.94 crore in the 2013-14 fiscal.
Mayor Dr. Salina Hayat Ivy announced the budget at a press conference at the NCC office compound this morning. Lawmaker of Narayanganj-5, A K M Selim Osman also attended the function and exchanged pleasantries with the mayor and other guests.
The budget was approved in a monthly meeting of the NCC in presence of the mayor and 36 wards councilors on May 7, 2014.
The budget shows five percent increase in revenue due to donations of World Bank (WB), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Asian Development Bank (ADB).
The revenue income of the NCC has been estimated at TK 149.05 crore mostly coming from holding tax, immovable property transfer tax, trade and license fees, advertisement tax, cinema tax and government grant of TK 94 crore. TK 181.89 crore would come as foreign assistances.
The NCC will spend TK 81.64 crore for paying honorarium to mayor, councilors, salary and allowances to officers and staff, purchasing vehicles, and meeting expenditure on education and sports.
TK 317.74 crore would be spent for infrastructure development like repair and construction of old and new roads, improvement of drainage system, completion of under construction Heritage Park at Panchabati, conservancy, mosquito eradication drive and beautification of city roads and reducing traffic congestion.
Dr. Salina Hayat Ivy, in her speech, hailed Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for winning in maritime boundary litigation with India in the international arbitration court in the Hague.
She said the budget aims to improve the civic amenities of 702,000 residents in NCC area by improving roads, drains, culverts and construction of a hospital at Bandar.
A budget book was also published highlighting various development works of NCC.
Chief Executive Officer Mostafa Kamal Mazumdar, councillors, journalists and elite of the city were present on the occasion.
